Exaile 0.2.9 released

Published: Mar 27, 2007

I released Exaile 0.2.9 today knowing that it has a few issues with unicode. We've been waiting on these issues for a while now, but no one has a good solution yet. I'm hoping that with the added users from the release, we'll get some fresh eyes on the subject.

If you're a Python programmer that knows a bit about unicode, you should hit me up.

Also, Exaile has been chosen for the Finnish Summer of Code. Awesome. I'll be able to mentor a student while he works on the project.

vim tip: My Config

Many people ask about my vim settings and etc, so I've set up a repository for my own personal vim settings and scripts. You can install it by typing "git clone http://git.vimtips.org/pub/vim.git && cd vim && sh woot.sh". This will overwrite any current settings.

Restored from VimTips archive

This article was restored from the VimTips archive. There's probably missing images and broken links (and even some flash references), but it was still important to me to bring them back.

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