SupaCount 0.1.0 published to the Android Market. I don't suspect that it'll be
a highly successful app, being that it's a utility that most people won't need.
However, being my first app on any of the mobile markets, it'll be interesting
to see what happens. There are, at the very least, hundreds of thousands of
people (200,000+ people bought a Motorola Droid the first week it was released)
with access to the market.
Read more... So, I got a Droid, which for me, meant that I had to start learning the Android SDK. In my
opinion, the best way to learn something like this is to write an application.
It's how Exaile and JBother came to be, and now, it's how
SupaCount came to be.
Read more... I bought myself the first generation iPhone about 8 days after it came out, and
have followed the upgrade path (getting the 3G and 3Gs as soon as they were
available) clear up until about a week and a half ago, when I jumped ship from
AT&T. I love the iPhone. Sure, there are some things that bother me about it,
but it really was good to me. Especially now, that a lot of the features I was
missing in a phone were suddenly there (copy & paste, MMS, etc).
Read more... Read more... The Utah OpenSource Conference went underway
yesterday. I thought I'd share my experiences and thoughts here as the con
Read more... For whatever reason (I can only assume it has to do with the product being
released /after/ Ubuntu 9.04 came out) the Ubuntu devs have decided to call
Firefox 3.5 "Shiretoko". You can install alongside your regular Firefox
installation by typing @aptitude install firefox-3.5@ and you can run it by
typing @firefox-3.5@. That's all well and good, except that the User-Agent
string is set to:
Read more... This month is my company's national convention. This combined with a secret
project I'm working on after hours means I basically have no time to work on
Exaile until October. So, no thanks to me, Exaile has been released.
This one is brought to you by the other members of the team, and is a bugfix
release for 0.3.0. This includes fixing the bug that was causing 0.2.14->0.3
migration problems for most people. Enjoy!
Read more... Yup, you probably heard it here last. I've been super busy irl, and just
haven't had the time to throw up a blog entry just yet, but 0.3.0 final is out
and you can grab it from the Exaile downloads page.
Read more... Read more... I purchased an HP 1030NR, because, IMHO, they are the sexiest netbooks
currently on the market. They are sleek, lightweight, and they don't have a
wonkey keyboard layout like some netbooks (I'm looking at you, ASUS).
Read more... I've installed Ubuntu on my netbook twice today (don't ask). Probably like the
rest of you, part of installing Ubuntu involves going through and changing all
of the moronic settings that Gnome comes with as default. This includes
changing the default terminal background from white to black, changing font
sizes, setting toolbars to "icon only", setting up hotkeys, etc.
Read more... Xubuntu has been rethinking their default
applications for their next release, Karmic. Personally, I think it's great,
but not just because of the topic of this article.
Read more... Next Tuesday (July 28th) starting at 14:00 GMT (7:00 am MST) the Exaile team
will be hosting the very first Exaile bugday. Our goal will be to hammer out
as many bugs as we possibly can. SiDi has set up a Launchpad Group that will have
it's own branch (based from the 0.3 trunk) so that people wanting to
participate will be able to commit their changes.
Read more... Exaile development has been very active in the past few weeks. We are
working very hard to make our August goal. As well as picking up mathbr as a
developer, we've had quite a few contributors adding/fixing a lot of things.
If you're like me, this screenshot makes you drool (click on it to get a larger
Read more... Don't worry, we're still here, and still hard at work. I thought I would give
an update since it's been quite a while since the last one.
Read more... After beating Enigmo in the iPhone, I was eager for more. I'm a sucker for
these type of games. I downloaded the demo of the Windows version of Enigmo 2, and, to my
delight, it works great out of the box in Wine! It's got tons more doodads and etc than
the iPhone version, so I'd say it's a perfect upgrade path if you like that
Read more... Go to "Settings", "Messages" and set "Repeat Alert" to "Off". Enough said.
Read more... So, work got me a Sony
PRS-700 for being awesome, which is awesome, so here are my thoughts so
Read more... I got an email from Amazon today saying that they were changing some things in
their API. Aside from changing the name of the services from "Amazon Web
Service" to "Product Advertising API", by August 15th, they are requiring that
users of the API send the previously optional HMAC signature when
authenticating. What does this mean to you?